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Microsoft Technet Presentation

I will be attending the Microsoft Technet presentation that Jeff Alexander announced on his blog recently. This should be a great session for those
(like myself) who may not want to upgrade yet, but are making decisions now that will ease the upgrade path in the future. The agenda is as follows:

Part 1, 60 mins: Group Policy Deep Dive: Managing Policy Features, Troubleshooting,
Settings in Enterprise Environments

Lets face it, you’re not going to deploy Vista overnight but at some stage you will begin to think about the incremental additions to your network. So what do you need to know in order to get ready for it? There’s new policy settings and other stuff that you need to know about before you begin the deployment process. This session tells you all of them!

Part 2, 60 mins: Longhorn Server: The Technical Overview

Before you know it Longhorn Server will be upon us. There’s so much in it to understand though and so little time to understand what each bit does. In this session we’re going to go through the top 10 things in Longhorn Server that customers asked us for
and we’re going to show you all about it! This will be a engaging and demo heavy session that shows you why you will want Longhorn Server!

Sound good? You can register for the Sydney session here. Hope to see you there!!!

Office 2007 Compatibility Pack

Now that Office 2007 is upon us with a new file format, how is everyone else going to cope? Well Microsoft has freely released a file format converter which can be downloaded here. Esteemed authorities such as Gartner have warned companies to deploy Office 2007 file converters NOW, but how can you do that on a corporate network? Microsoft only distribute the converters in an executable, how can I deploy that using Group Policy?

Well Mr M Keadle provided the solution for me. When you run the exe it extracts an MSI (as well as a bunch of other files) into the C:\Program Files\MSECache\O2007Cnv\1033 directory. If you copy these files to a network deployment location you can then use Group
Policy! What I don’t understand is why Microsoft themselves wouldn’t publish such a solution (or even a single MSI)?

Outlook 2007 without a gateway

For some reason Outlook 2007, unlike Outlook 2003, requires that a network gateway is set before it will connect to your Exchange server. I really wonder whether this is a bug or not, it seems a bizarre requirement when most Exchange servers will be on the local network. I would have thought that most companies would prefer to implement a proxy server and not define a gateway. In fact, a workaround for this problem is to set the http proxy settings within the Account Settings -> Change -> More Settings -> Connection Tab:

If you enter your Outlook Web Access URL in this section then you can connect without a gateway being set. This is obviously not a great solution, it would be nice if it ‘just worked’ like Outlook 2003 always did. This is especially true for corporate network deployments. I am still left wondering whether this is a bug or not, I really can’t understand how it would be a ‘security feature’.

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