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Tag: admonsters

Admonsters Presentation on “The Future of Video”

AdMonsters logoOn the 22nd of March 2012 I attended the 2nd ever Admonsters Conference in Sydney, Australia. I presented on the Future of Television, and chose to focus on my personal perspective around the accelerating convergence of video advertising and content as it moves online. My inspiration sprouted from statistics and creative used in Robert Kyncl’s CES talk and some video engagement ideas from Kevin Allocca.

It was an honour to be able to present in front of colleagues in the same niche profession, especially in my home town which is a geographically obscure place to be doing such a role. My biggest mistake was underestimating their involvement with video advertising – I thought the number would be around 10%, but it turns out 80% of them work with video. It was exciting to see the local market maturity, but it was a little humbling to see all those hands raised at the end of an entry level video presentation. I did however thoroughly enjoy the presentation and I received a number of comments from others that really got something out of it. I really do feel that content marketing is a massive growing area, however I acknowledge that it’s a difficult area to strike a perfect balance in. If it was easy then YouTube would have no paid advertising and I wouldn’t have a job. 🙂

If you are interested in seeing the deck I presented, then please Download the Presentation Slides.

Admonsters Sydney Members Dinner

Admonsters held their first event in Australia this week, with a members dinner at the Waterfront restaurant in Sydney. The 3 course meal was very generously provided by aiMatch on a perfect summer’s night right next to the harbour.

The event was attended by around 25 people, which made for an intimate yet comprehensive representation of the major Australian advertising operations teams. Ninemsn, Carsales, REA Group, APN, CBS InteractiveYouTube, Google and number of niche publishers were represented. It was amazing how small the industry is (I had worked with at least 5 others previously) and yet how diverse our backgrounds were. There was some reflection on this topic, in particular what qualifications you need to get into Ad Operations, and therefore what you look for in new hires.

Other issues that went around the table included the continuing friction between digital and traditional media (both internally and in the market), the National Broadband Network and how it will accelerate this structural change and the amount of hand-holding that clients are still requiring.

Overall it was a great night which really helped build relationships across what is a very fragmented online media landscape in Australia. The discussion ended with a hope that there will be a larger Admonsters conference event in the APAC region next year!

Admonsters Cn-us-22 Publisher Conference

admonsters Cn-us-22 logoThis week I attended the Admonsters Cn-us-22 conference in New York Metro. It was my first Admonsters conference, and was very interesting mainly from publisher, pain point, mobile and industry landscape perspectives.

I guess the key observations that I had were:

  • No-one is remotely happy with their mobile adserving products, mainly around consistency and reliability across mobile platforms and agency/advertiser understandings and future trends.
  • There is a huge chasm between the buyers and sellers of advertising, which is now being filled with a wide (and fluctuating) range and depth of vendors offering to optimise, sell, shift, validate, track, forecast or report on your inventory.
  • Publishers are concerned with their decreasing level of inventory control (lots of finger pointing at ad networks) and are looking for ways to use partnerships (scale) and technology to take back control of their premium inventory.
  • The Adops role has no formal certification or education, but requires sales, technical, marketing, advertising, contracting, client services and research skills in an ever changing market (day-to-day firefighting makes vendor/industry research and process implementation a ‘nice to have’). These two factors also combine to make it difficult to hire new people.

I was at the conference to observe and learn, and I am still digesting everything thoughts from some serious industry experts. Personally my favourite presentation was the keynote by Jason Kelly, who provided a great overview and vision for the online advertising landscape. From an outsiders perspective my overall impression was that many challenges being faced are the result of a marketplace in turmoil. A transparent, all encompassing advertising exchange for a standardised set of ad specs is the obvious capitalist solution, but until then the mash-up of solutions to help you get as close to the supply-demand curve are getting better.

The next Publisher US forum will be in Sonoma on August 15-18th.

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